ISSUE 20786 — 5 May 3187

Time Machine Tribune™ limited transmission via WCD Timelab gyrotron

headline - RLF surprise attack pounds Antarctica


n a surprise attack that has stunned defense officials, the Robot Liberation Front (RLF) has launched a major offensive against Antarctic forces in the capital, Mandela.

Trans-thermo-laser equipped mole machines emerged from the ground at the base of the East Ridge and were deployed in a C formation in East Mandela. More than 150 buildings are believed to have been vaporised in the first wave of attacks, before repulse shields could be activated against the giant robot controlled mole machines.

Almost simultaneously, a squadron of robot controlled stealth satellites has launched a large array of rapid descent thermo-bomblets (RDTs) in the north and east which have caused severe collateral damage. In contrast, robotical damage has been negligible. The RDTs are believed to have included those stolen in the raid on an armoury in the United Americas last month.

The RDTs appear to have enhanced thermo-cronatic waverers at up to 4000 units which are feared to have the capability to compromise the repulse shields. This indicates that the robots' much feared gravity-pulse technology has been significantly enhanced or even perfected.

Robots now control more than twenty per cent of the earth's land area in exclusive zones. The Antarctic attack signals a strategic expansion of southern zones which indicates they may be moving beyond the perceived aim of consolidation. This theory is compatible with what has been intercepted so far from the new instantaneous bio-radar communications systems now believed to be deployed by up to one third of all robots.

Within a decade and with this technology, it is expected that upwards of ninety per cent of all robots will be able to act as one, simultaneously, world-wide. This was described recently as "symmetric robotics" by the deputy commander of South Sector IV, Larice McIntyre, on her recent visit to Stuart Island.

Supreme Council of Nations Secretary General Quincy de Verendes has ordered World Squadrons I, III and IX to counter attackckkk an885544\\\\ 88888to]]]]////\\

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