ISSUE 1977 — 18 May 2086

Time Machine Tribune™ limited transmission via WCD Timelab gyrotron

Pentagon objects to ban on 10 year old cyber soldiers

he United Nation's ban on the use of children as cyber-soldiers is to be challenged by the United States. In a statement, the Pentagon has declared that it needs the unparalleled speed and reflexes of the child soldiers for its new range of electronic attack and defense hardware.

Modern warfare has shown that children aged 8 to 12 have unmatched skills in speed and reflex with regard to remote computer operated weaponry, which, coupled with their undeveloped sense of conscience and empathy, means that they are a paramount military resource.

However, psychologists have warned that children before adolescence lack a full understanding of their actions, and they risk psychological damage in later years once they become fully aware of the consequences of their involvement in the remote collateral damage.

The trend towards younger and younger soldiers has led to the disturbing scenario of ten year olds fighting ten year olds, with neither side truly understanding the reasons why.

Following world-wide condemnation of the practice, Norway and Sweden have led an international campaign to set an age limit of 15 years for this type of front-line remote combat. More than 80 countries have agreed to this which is sufficient for ratification. However, it remains to be be bb;sfo ewoj rte2984oij fsdoi r4e[[[ [[{{[ {[[ {\\ |\ \ \ \ [[{{ =[ [ [ jjjytfw \\\\//...nheta gf... <<ll

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